Infosys dla psiaków

Aleksandra Skonieczka
organizator skarbonki

Dear Team,

We have a double dose of positive energy and empathy for you! Dog Day is approaching, and we want to celebrate it in a special way. We warmly invite you to participate in two actions that will combine our love for pets with the need to help those who require it the most.

Joint Fundraiser for Animal Shelter (Przytulisko Harbutowice): On page we created piggy bank (skarbonka!) for Infosys Krakow to help homeless animals in need of our support. Your voluntary contributions will help provide care, food, and medicine for these animals. Donations can be made here.

Campaign Duration: Fundraiser will run to 30/09.

We can't wait to see your adorable pets and make a positive impact together. Thank you for your hearts full of empathy and willingness to share joy!

With warm regards,

Kraków Infosys Team

Aleksandra Skonieczka


140 zł


20 zł

Anonimowy Pomagacz

20 zł


100 zł


100 zł


20 zł

Anonimowy Pomagacz

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